there are many stores by marine group in Kumamoto. That are EGOIST, Roomy's, Dazzlin, rienda, MURUA, and Mercury duo.
EGOIST has 5 staffs Sayaka, Ayumi, Rino, Rio and me.
Sayaka is a manager of our store EGOIST. She is 29 years old but she looks very younger because she go to a tanning salon. She looks like a black gal. She respects Barbie.
Ayumi is a sub manager of our store. She is 20 years old. She is very beautiful. She has very white skin. So Sayaka and Ayumi are called "Othello."
Rino is a new face. She is 17years old. She come to Kumamoto city from Arao allways. She looks like a younkey. She is a shy girl but when she drinks alcohol, she become so noisy! lol 145
Rio is also a new face. She is 20 years old. She has a very smal face and nice slim body. She has a baby 2 years old. when I listened it, I was suprised.
They are very nice people. I am happy to work with their.
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